Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Basic Requirements to write a Java Program

Minimum Tools Required to Write a Program in Java

Java Compiler

A Java compiler is a compiler for the Java programming language.

Java Virtual Machine

A Java virtual machine (JVM) is a virtual machine that can execute Java bytecode.When you run a Java Program, the Computer is actually running the Java Virtual Machine. That JVM examines your byte codes, zero by zero, one by one, and carries out the instructions described in the bytecode. 

Java API

Java API refers to the Library files. Every java program, even the simplest one, calls on code in the Java API. 

An Editor

An editor is simply a window where we can write java program and save it in the disc. Notepad is one of the simple editors. There are a lot of editors available and some are specifically designed for writing java codes, which helps the programmer to format the code and also helps with few library files.  It is also known as Integrated Development Environment(IDE). 

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