Thursday 6 March 2014


A scrollbar is represented by a "slider" widget.......

using Scroll bars

          Scrollbar control represents a scroll bar component in order to enable user to select from range of values.The Scrollbar class embodies a scroll bar, a familiar user-interface object. A scroll bar provides a convenient means for allowing a user to select from a range of values.

Common Constructors:

  • Scrollbar ():

                Creates a Scrollbar instance with a range of 0-100, an initial value of 0, and vertical orientation.

  • Scrollbar(int style):

                     Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation.

  • Scrollbar(int style, int initialValue, int thumbSize, int min, int max)

                   Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation, initial value, page size, and minimum and maximum values.

common methods

  •  getUnitIncrement():  Gets the unit increment for this scrollbar.

                     int getUnitIncrement()

  •  getValue() : Gets the current value of this scroll bar

                      int getValue()

  • setBlockIncrement(int v) :Sets the block increment for this scroll bar

                       void setBlockIncrement(int v)

  •  setMaximum(int newMaximum) :Sets the maximum value of this scroll bar.

                          void setMaximum(int newMaximum)

  • setMinimum(int newMinimum) :Sets the minimum value of this scroll bar.

                         void setMinimum(int newMinimum)

  •  setOrientation(int orientation) :Sets the orientation for this scroll bar.

                          void setOrientation(int orientation)

simple program for handling scroll bars

import java.awt.*; 
import java.applet.Applet;  
public class ScrollbarDemo extends Applet

public void init()

Scrollbar sb =  new Scrollbar
(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 8, -100, 100); 


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