Showing posts with label applying checkbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label applying checkbox. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


A check box is a graphical component that can be in either an "on" (true) or "off" ........

Applying checkbox

A check box is a control that is used to turn an option on or off. It consists of a small box that can either contain a check mark or not. There is a label associated with each check box that describes what option the box represents. You change the state of a check box by clicking on it. Check boxes can be used individually or as part of a group. Check boxes are objects of the Checkbox class.A check box is a graphical component that can be in either an "on" (true) or "off" (false) state. Clicking on a check box changes its state from "on" to "off," or from "off" to "on."

Checkbox supports these constructors:

  • Checkbox():

               Creates a check box with an empty string for its label.

  • Checkbox(String label):

                 Creates a check box with the specified label.

  • Checkbox(String label, boolean state):

                   Creates a check box with the specified label and sets the specified state.

  • Checkbox(String label, boolean state, CheckboxGroup group):

                   Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, set to the specified state, and in the specified check box group.